The time I touched Justin Bieber in 2010 (@SaraMcNeil)
Hi my name is Sara McNeil, and I'm here to tell you my story. On August 31st 2010 Justin Bieber was performing at The New York State Fair. I'm like any other girl, i LOVE Justin Bieber. During this week he was getting really sick. He had a sore throat and a little cold.
So he took the day off to rest his beautiful voice. Then on September 1st 2010 he came and performed! It was the best performance i had ever seen! He was simply amazing. At the end of the show my friend Marissa and I went to the back of the fence where he usually comes out, and waited for him.
He never showed up. So then, a girls mom came up to us and said "Justin Bieber is in the state fair right now." So we had to check it out. We literally sprinted to the game spot, and asked people if they saw him. They said that he was playing basketball so we ran to the basketball and he wasn't there. We then asked someone else if they saw him and they told us he went somewhere else.
So we ran to the other side of the games and he wasn't there. We ran around for a good 25 minutes and didn't see him anywhere. As we were leaving there were all these people and this lady stopped us. She asked us if we were looking for Justin Bieber and we said yes. So then she said hes in the go carts you better hurry! We ran to the go carts and saw him pulling up to the end. We stood there literally peeing our pants cause we were so excited. He came off of the go carts and said hi and shook our hands.
I will never forget this day. I hope someday i actually get to like hang out with Justin Bieber. If anyone knows anyway possible that i can meet him. It would be a dream come true. My twitter is SaraMcNeil and my youtube is SaraMcNeil10. I would really appreciate it if you could follow me and recommend me to people! Thanks!